
Deadpool #13 ((Retailer 50 Copy Incentive Variant) Jessica Fong Ellie Vir Variant)

Original price was: $49.99.Current price is: $44.99.

THE ROAD TO REVENGE! DEATH GRIP killed DEADPOOL – and now that he’s better, WADE is out to return the favor! Armed with a DEADLY NEW WEAPON, his first stop is SOLEM, the mutant who armed Mr. Grip with the MURAMASA BLADE that did him in. Karma time! PLU…

Things From Another World

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THE ROAD TO REVENGE! DEATH GRIP killed DEADPOOL – and now that he’s better, WADE is out to return the favor! Armed with a DEADLY NEW WEAPON, his first stop is SOLEM, the mutant who armed Mr. Grip with the MURAMASA BLADE that did him in. Karma time! PLUS: A short but crucial guest appearance from WOLVERINE! RATED PARENTAL ADVISORY.