
Die!namite Never Dies #1 (Cover N – Metal Premium)

Original price was: $100.00.Current price is: $90.00.

‘Dynamite’s cross-company zombie crossover returns with even more undead mayhem! Evil Sonja and the Drakulonian sisters Vampirella and Pantha may have turned back the plague on Earth, but what happens when zombies from MARS start to invade?! Hear t…

Things From Another World

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‘Dynamite’s cross-company zombie crossover returns with even more undead mayhem! Evil Sonja and the Drakulonian sisters Vampirella and Pantha may have turned back the plague on Earth, but what happens when zombies from MARS start to invade?! Hear that cry in the jungle–that’s right, TARZAN has joined the insanity, and the Ape-Man has hands full with ZOMBIE DINOSAURS in a lost valley! How does this incursion connect to Barsoom?! ‘