
Shazam #20 (Cover A – Gleb Melnikov)

Original price was: $3.99.Current price is: $3.59.

THE SUPER SON AND THE POWER OF SHAZAM! A special guest writer stops in to tell a very special one-off story! Jonathan Kent, son of Superman, is in Philly when something funny happens in the Rock of Eternity. Jon is caught in the lightning and transform…

Things From Another World

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THE SUPER SON AND THE POWER OF SHAZAM! A special guest writer stops in to tell a very special one-off story! Jonathan Kent, son of Superman, is in Philly when something funny happens in the Rock of Eternity. Jon is caught in the lightning and transforms…back into a little boy?! While Jon gets a second chance at childhood, Billy better figure out how to get the grown super son back before the world misses him!